Other Indo-European Text Examples

While I am very familiar with the Cyrillic, Greek, and Hebrew scripts, I have much less familiarity with the other writing systems found on this page.  If you notice errors in my transcriptions, please send me an email and I'll fix them.

Albanian (1999, Tr. Ilir I. Baçi), Kryezoti i Unazave

Kur zoti Bilbo Baginsi i Sarajit të Bagëve hapi lajmin se me rastin e kremtimit të njëqindenjëmbëdhjetëvjetorit të tij shumë shpejt do të organizonte një festë me një madhështi të rrallë, në Hobitaj u ndezën biseda të shumta.

(When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Baggage Castle broke the news that in celebration of his one hundred and eleventh birthday he would very soon be throwing a party of rare magnificence, much conversation arose in the Hobbitage.)

Greek (1978, Tr. Evgenía Chatzithanási-Kóllia), Ο Άρχοντας των Δαχτυλιδιών

Όταν ο κύριος Μπίλμπο Μπάγκινς του Μπαγκ Εντ ανακοίνωσε ότι σε λίγο καιρό θα γιόρταζε τα εκατόν έντεκα χρόνια του και θα 'δινε ένα πάρτι με εξαιρετική μεγαλοπρέπεια, όλοι ηλεκτρίστηκαν οτο Χόμπιτον κι άρχισαν το κουτσομπολιό.

[Ótan o kýrios Bílmpo Bánkins tou Bank Ent anakoínose óti se lígo kairó tha giórtaze ta ekatón énteka chrónia tou kai tha 'dine éna párti me exairetikí megaloprépeia, óloi ilektrístikan oto Chómpiton ki árchisan to koutsompolió]

(When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bugs End announced that he would shortly be celebrating his one hundred and eleventh birthday and would be throwing a party of extraordinary splendour, everyone in Hobbiton was electrified and the gossip started.)*

*['Bug' is, indeed, the translation of Μπαγκ.  The Greek form, however, is the expected transliteration of English Bag (compare Μπάγκινς for Baggins).]

Farsi (2002, Tr. Riza Alizadih), ارباب حاقه ها 

وقتی آقای بل​بو بگینز اهل بگ​اند اعلام کرد که به زودی يکصد و يازدهميز سالگرد تولدش را با یک میهمانی باشگوه از نوعی جشن خواهد گرفت، اين موضوع حرف​ و حديث​ها و هيجان زیادی را در هابیتون برانگيخت.

[(Farsi is not a transliteration option in Google Translate so this transliteration uses https://laatingar.com/)

vaghti aaghaaye bel​boo beginez ahl bego​and e'laam kard ke be zoodi yeksad va yaazdahmiz saalgard tavalodesh ra ba yek mihmaani baashogooh az noi'i jashn khaahad gereft, in mozoo' harf​ va hadis​haa va hayajaan ziyaadi ra dar haabietoon baraangikht.]

(When Mr. Bilbo Baggins from Bagand announced that he would soon be celebrating his one hundred and eleventh birthday with a grand party of some kind, this topic caused a lot of talk and excitement in Hobbiton.)