Eraztunen Jauna

Eraztunen Jauna, Lord of the Rings (Basque)

When I first ordered this edition on Amazon, the seller sent me FR in paperback (Basque B) and TT and RK in hardback. When I asked about it, they sent me another copy of FR complementary, but it was again in paperback, not in hardback. Finally in 2019 I located a hardback copy of FR on Todocoleccion, an ebay-like site in Spain.

Eraztunen Jauna (Basque A), FR purchased on-line from Igor Urrestarazu on Todocoleccion in 2019 and TT and RK purchased on-line from Book Depository, London, United Kingdom on Amazon in 2018 (hardback)

Tolkien, J.R.R. Eraztunen Jauna. Translated by Augustin Otsoa Eribeko. Vol. 1, Eraztunaren Elkartea. Txalaparta, 2002. ISBN: 84-8136-259-X

———. Eraztunen Jauna. Translated by Augustin Otsoa Eribeko. Vol. 2, Bi Dorreak. Txalaparta, 2003. ISBN: 84-8136-260-3

———. Eraztunen Jauna. Translated by Augustin Otsoa Eribeko. Vol. 3, Erregearen Itzulera. Txalaparta, 2003. ISBN: 84-8136-261-1

Eraztunen Jauna, Lord of the Rings (Basque)

Eraztunen Jauna (Basque B), purchased on-line from Book Depository, London, United Kingdom on Amazon in 2018 (paperback)

Tolkien, J.R.R. Eraztunen Jauna. Translated by Augustin Otsoa Eribeko. Vol. 1, Eraztunaren Elkartea. Txalaparta, 2017. ISBN: 978-84-8136-259-6

This was sent along with TT and RK from Basque A. TT and RK of this paperback edition have not yet been published even though they are pictured on the publisher's website. I have contacted the publisher directly to find out when they might be published, but have been told that there are no immediate plans to publish them.