
My collection would not have been possible without the help of others.

Most important is my wife, Irina McLaughlin.  Her acceptance of this rather eccentric collection is remarkable.  (She let me cover a set of rarely-used double doors with bookshelves to house the collection.)  She was also critical to final negotiations for Azerbaijani, Russian J, Ukrainian [S] B, and Russian M.

Then there is my family, including my daughters (Chelsea Eatough, Katie Morozova, Jenni Poster, Ana Morozova) and my mother (Nancy McLaughlin), who (sometimes begrudgingly) gave me book money and Amazon gift cards for Christmas, my birthday, and Fathers Day in lieu of trying to pick something out on their own.

My sister-in-law, Svitlana Morozova, gave me Dutch A, Dutch B, Dutch C, and French B as well as served as a transit point in the European Union for Swedish D.  My nephew, Michael Morozov, carried French B to Utah in his luggage.

Like my sister-in-law, our family friends Inna Maksimova and Petro Teslenko also served as a transit point in Ukraine for Russian [S] D and Russian [S] E.

"Transit points" are very important when booksellers in one part of the world will not ship to the United States directly.  In addition to my sister-in-law in the European Union and our family friends in Ukraine, Hanbooks in Los Angeles has served as an agent for obtaining books from Korea and then sending them to me.  They do charge a fair fee for the service as they are a business and neither family nor family friends.  I am still grateful for their willingness to serve in this capacity.

There are individuals in Europe, Asia, and the United States who helped find and acquire different translations, both in person and through the magic of the internet.  These are individuals who did more than just sell me a book on-line.

Ewelina Suchorska, a friend who, speaking Polish, helped acquire Polish A in Poznań, Poland during my visit there.
Zinaida Biro, who sold me part of Croatian A, pointed me to Serbian B, and put me in touch with the first link of the "Macedonian chain".
The "Macedonian chain", Dinko Mihovilović, Magdalena Lazarevska, and Marija Kokanović, who found, purchased, and delivered the last set of Macedonian from the publisher.
The "Georgian connection", Khloe Smith, one of my linguistics students who told me that she had lived in Georgia and still had a friend there, and Alina Ambariani, Khloe's friend, who found and helped me acquire Georgian A.
Jung-Ae Choi, a colleague at my university who, speaking Korean, helped locate Korean B.
Jan Boom "Fangorn", who sought me out through our connections in Tolkien societies and pointed me to his auctions on ebay.  (Czech C)
Adiyasuren Jamiyandagva, who contacted me by email after seeing that I was only missing Mongolian.  He pointed me to the publisher of Mongolian [Cyrillic].
John Mitchinson, who contacted me by email after seeing that I had fulfilled my goal of at least one copy from every language that LOTR had been translated and asked if I had the Asturian translation (a language that had a translation previously unknown to me).
Frode Vinje, who exchanged his second printing copy of Icelandic RK for my first printing copy of the same so that both of our sets were no longer mixed printings--his a first printing set and mine a second printing set.
Xu Zhan, who pointed me to the presence of a copy of Mongolian [Bichig] on  He has also provided useful lists for Chinese translations and publications from 2024 and earlier.
A Friend in the Tolkien Society from Switzerland, who pointed me to the presence of Romansh [H], but whose name I failed to record during an international group Zoom chat on the occasion of J.R.R. Tolkien's birthday in the fall of 2024.  (If you ever happen to see this, please let me know your name.)

I am grateful to Constantin Pirozhkov, a fellow subscriber to the Tolkien Collector's Guide, who pointed out a number of transcription errors on my Russian pages as well as a couple of places where I failed to properly identify the genitive case in Russian translator names.  I have happily made all the changes that he identified.

Finally, thanks must go to Yvan Strelzyk, whom I have never met, but whose Elrond's Library website was of immeasurable inspiration.  It is a major source of reference for anyone interested in the collection of Tolkien's works in translation.  My collection is, admittedly, just a shadow of his.