Italic Text Examples

French (1972, Tr. Francis Ledoux), Le Seigneur des Anneaux

Quand M. Milbon Sacquet, de Cul-de-Sac, annonça qu'il donnerait à l'occasion de son undécante-unième anniversaire une réception d'une magnificence particulière, une grande excitation régna dans Hobbitebourge, et toute la ville en parla.

(When Mr. Milbon Baggins, of Cul-de-Sac, announced that he would give a reception of particular magnificence on the occasion of his [eleventy-first] birthday, great excitement reigned in Hobbiton, and the whole town talked about it.)

French (2014, Tr. Daniel Lauzon), Le Seigneur des Anneaux

Quand M. Bilbo Bessac, de Cul-de-Sac, annonça qu'il célébrerait bientôt son onzante et unième anniversaire par une fête d'une magnificence exceptionnelle, il y eut force agitation et rumeurs à Hobbiteville.

(When Mr. Bilbo Bessac, of Cul-de-Sac, announced that he would soon celebrate his [eleventy-first] birthday with a party of exceptional magnificence, there was much agitation and rumors in Hobbitonville.)

Catalan (1986, Tr. Francesc Parcerisas), El Senyor dels Anells

Quan el senyor Bilbo Saquet, de l'Atzusac, anuncià que aviat celebraria el seu cent onzè aniversari amb una festa d'especial magnificència, l'excitació a Hobbiters fou molt gran i tot foren enraonadisses.

(When Mr. Bilbo Saquet, of Atzusac, announced that he would soon celebrate his one hundred and eleventh birthday with a party of special magnificence, the Hobbiters were very excited and everything went into a frenzy.)

Spanish (1977, Tr. Luis Domènech & Matilde Horne), El Señor de los Anillos

Quando el señor Bilbo Bolsón de Bolsón Cerrado anunció que muy pronto celebraría su cumpleaños centésimo decimoprimero con una fiesta de especial magnificencia, hubo muchos comentarios y excitación en Hobbiton.

(When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would shortly be celebrating his one hundred and eleventh birthday with a party of special magnificence, there was much talk and excitement in Hobbiton.)

Asturian (2020, Tr. Nicolás Bardio), El Señor de los Aniellos

De la que'l señor Bilbo Fardel, de Corneyal de Fardel, dio anuncia de que bien ceo diba festexar el so centésimu décimu primer cumpleaños con una folixa d'especial grandor, falóse muncho y con ganes en Hobitton.

([Asturian is not a translation option in Google Translate so this translation uses the translator.]

Of which Mr. Bilbo Fardel of Corneyal d e Fardel announced that heaven would celebrate his [eleventy-first] birthday with a special leaf of great size, he spoke a lot and with wins in Hobitton.*

*I have double-checked both my typing and the translation and the odd word choices in the translation appeared every time.

The ChatGPTStar option yielded:  When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he was going to celebrate his one hundred and eleventh birthday with a party of special grandeur, there was much talk and excitement in Hobbiton.)

Portuguese (European) (1977, Tr. Fernanda Pinto Rodrigues), O Senhor dos Anéis

Quando o Sr. Bilbo Baggins, do Fundo do Saco, anunciou que celebraria em breve o seu 111.° aniversário com uma festa de grande magnificência, falou-se muito excitação em Hobbiton.

(When Mr. Bilbo Baggins, of the Bottom of the Sack, announced that he would soon celebrate his 111th birthday with a party of great magnificence, there was much excitement in Hobbiton.)

Portuguese (European) (1977, Tr. Fernanda Pinto Rodrigues), O Senhor dos Anéis

Quando o Sr. Bilbo Baggins, do Fundo do Saco, anunciou que celebraria em breve o seu 111.° aniversário com uma festa de grande magnificência, falou-se muito excitação em Hobbiton.

(When Mr. Bilbo Baggins, of the Bottom of the Sack, announced that he would soon celebrate his 111th birthday with a party of great magnificence, there was much excitement in Hobbiton.)

Portuguese (European) (2020, Tr. Catarina Ferreira de Almeida), O Senhor dos Anéis

Quando o senhor Bilbo Baggins, do Fundo-do-Saco, anunciou que, em breve, celebraria o seu onzento-primeiro aniversário com uma festa de singular esplendor, grande foi o alarido e maior ainda a euforia entre os habitantes do Hobbitónia.

(When Mr. Bilbo Baggins, from Bottom of the Sack, announced that he would soon celebrate his [eleventy-first] birthday with a party of singular splendor, there was great uproar and even greater euphoria among the inhabitants of Hobbitonia.)

Portuguese (Brazilian) (1974, Tr. António Rocha & Alberto Monjardim), O Senhor dos Anéis

[I do not own a copy of this translation.  Wikipedia lists this as "Brazilian" Portuguese, but the listed publisher has only published European Portuguese editions.]

Portuguese (Brazilian) (1994, Tr. Lenita Maria Rimoli Esteves & Almiro Pisetta), O Senhor dos Anéis

[I do not own a copy of this translation.  The following entry, the Ronald Eduard Kyrmse translation, is listed as a revision of this translation in the earliest editions that credit Kyrmse, but Kyrmse is listed as sole translator in the latest editions.]

Portuguese (Brazilian) (2000, Tr. Ronald Eduard Kyrmse), O Senhor dos Anéis

Quando o Sr. Bilbo Bolseiro de Bolsão anunciou que em breve celebraria seu onzentésimo primeiro aniversário com uma festa de especial grandeza, houve muito comentário e agitação na Vila dos Hobbits.*

(When Mr. Bilbo Baggins Bag End announced that he would soon celebrate his [eleventy-first] birthday with a party of special grandeur, there was much comment and excitement in Hobbit Village.)

*[In the latest edition of the Kyrmse revision/translation, the text reads:  Quando o Sr. Bilbo Bolseiro de Bolsão anunciou que em breve celebraria seu onzentésimo primeiro aniversário com uma festa de especial magnificência, houve muito fatatório e agitação na Vila-dos-Hobbits.  "When Mr. Bilbo Baggins Bag End announced that he would soon celebrate his [eleventy-first] birthday with a party of special magnificence, there was much fuss and excitement in Hobbittown."]

Galician (2001, Tr. Moisés R. Barcia), O Señor dos Aneis

Cuando o señor Bilbo Bulseiro, de Vila Bulsa, anunciou que en breve celebraría o seu centésimo un décimo aniversario cunha festa de especial magnificencia, en Hobbiton houbo moita leria e unha grande excitación.

(When Mr. Bilbo Bulseiro, of Vila Bulsa, announced that he would soon celebrate his [eleventy-first] birthday with a party of special magnificence, in Hobbiton there was much talk and great excitement.)

Italian (1967, Tr. Vittoria Alliata di Villafranca), Il Signore Degli Anelli

Quando il signor Bilbo Baggins di Casa Baggins annunziò che avrebbe presto festeggiato il suo centoundicesimo compleanno con una festa sontuosissima, tutta Hobbiville si mise in agitazione.

(When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would soon be celebrating his one hundred and eleventh birthday with a most magnificent party, all Hobbiton went into a frenzy.)

Italian (2020, Tr. Ottavio Fatica), Il Signore Degli Anelli

Quando il signor Bilbo Baggins di Casa Baggins annunciò che presto avrebbe festeggiato il suo undicentesimo compleanno con una festa oltremodo fastosa, i commenti e i fermenti a Hobbiton si sprecarono.

(When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would soon be celebrating his [eleventy-first] birthday with a very lavish party, there was much comment and excitement in Hobbiton.)

Romanian (1999, Tr. Irina Horea), Stăpînul Inelelor/Stăpănul Inelelor*

Cînd domnul Bilbo Baggins din Fundătura a anunțat că în curînd își va celebra a o suta unsprezecea zi de naștere cu o petrecere de o măreție nemaiîntîlnită, s-au stîrnit multe discuții și mare agitație în Hobbiton.

(When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of the Dead End announced that he would soon be celebrating his one hundred and eleventh birthday with a party of the greatest magnitude ever seen, there was much talk and great commotion in Hobbiton.)

*[In 2010 there was a spelling change that changed many instances of î to ă.  The vocabulary, however, did not change.]