Germanic Text Examples

English (1954, J.R.R. Tolkien), The Lord of the  Rings

When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would shortly be celebrating his eleventy-first birthday with a party of special magnificence, there was much talk and excitement in Hobbiton.

Frisian (2011, Tr. Liuwe Westra), Master fan alle Ringen

Doe't Bilbo Balsma fan Balsein oankundige dat er ynkoarten syn ienenalftichste jierdei fiere soe mei in feest fan in bûtengewoane útwrydskens, wie der in soad praat en opskuor yn Hobbitum.

(When Bilbo Balsma of Balsein announced that he would soon celebrate his eleventy-first birthday with a party of extraordinary extravagance, there was much talk and commotion in Hobbiton.)

Dutch (1957, Tr. Max Schuchart), In de Ban van de Ring

Toen mijnheer Bilbo Balings van Balingshoek bekend maakte, dat hij weldra met een bijzonder luisterrijk feest zign elftig-en-eerste verjaardag zou vieren, werd dit in Hobbitstee het gesprek van de dag.

(When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would soon celebrate his eleventy-first birthday with a particularly splendid party, it became the talk of the day in Hobbiton.)

Afrikaans (2018, Tr. Janie Oosthuysen), Die Heerser van die Ringe

Toe Bilbo Baalens van Slot van Baalens aankondig dat hy sy een-en-elftigste verjaardag binnekort met 'n groot, feestelike partytjie gaan vier, is Hobbiton in rep en roer.

(When Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would soon celebrate his eleventy-first birthday with a grand, festive party, Hobbiton was abuzz.)

German (1969, Tr. Margaret Carroux), Der Herr der Ringe [German B, D, E]

Als Herr Bilbo Beutlin von Beutelsend ankündigte, dass er demnächst zur Feier seines einundelfzigsten Geburtstages ein besonders prächtiges Fest Geben wolle, war des Geredes und der Aufregung in Hobbingen kein Ende.

(When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would soon host a particularly splendid party to celebrate his eleventy-first birthday, there was no end to the chatter and excitement in Hobbiton.)

German (2000, Tr. Wolfgang Krege), Der Herr der Ringe [German A, C, F, G]

Als Herr Bilbo Beutlin von Beutelsend ankündigte, dass erseinen bevorstehenden einundelfzigsten Geburstag mit einem rauschenden Fest zu feiern gedenke, begann in Hobbingen ein erregtes Getuschel.

(When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he intended to celebrate his upcoming eleventy-first birthday with a grand party, an excited murmuring began in Hobbiton.)

Yiddish (2016, Tr. Barry Goldstein), דער האַר פֿון די פֿינגערלעך [Der Har fun di Fingerlekh]

װען  מ״ר  בילבאָ  באַגינס  פֿון  באַג־עק  האָט  אָנגעזאָגט  אַז  באַלד  װעט  ער  פּראַװען  זײַן  אײן־און־עלפֿציקטן  געבױרן־טאָג  מיט  אַ  שׂימחה  אַ  פּראַכטיקער,  איז  געקומען  אַ  סך  גערײד  און  גערודער  אין  האָביטאָן.

[Ven Mr. Bilbo Baggins fun Bag-End hot ongezogt az bald vet er praven zayn eyn-un-elftsiktn geboyrn-tog mit a simkhe a prakhtekher, iz gekumen a sakh gerayd un geruder in Hobbiton.]

(When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would soon celebrate his eleventy-first birthday with a magnificent party, there was much talk and commotion in Hobbiton.)

Icelandic (1993, Tr. Þorsteinn Thorarensen), Hringadróttingssaga

Það varð uppi fótur og fit í Hobbtúni, þegar Bilbó Baggi í Baggabotni lét þau boð út berast, að hann hygðist brátt halda upp á elleftugasta og fyrsta afmæli sitt með meiri viðhöfn og veisluhöldum en dæmi væru til um.

(There was a great stir and commotion in Hobbiton when Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he intended to soon celebrate his eleventy-first birthday with more grandeur and festivities than had ever been seen before.)

Faroese (2003, Tr. Axel Tórgarð), Ringanna Harri

Tá ið Bilbo Pjøkin úr Pjøkabóli læt tey boð út ganga, at hann ætlaði at halda sín hundrað og ellinta føðingardag við serstakliga stórfingnari veitslu, varð nógv tos og mikil øsing í Hobbabø.

(When Bilbo Baggins of Bag End sent out the message that he intended to celebrate his hundred and eleventh birthday with an especially grand party, there was much talk and great excitement in Hobbiton.)

Norwegian (Nynorsk) (2006, Tr. Eilev Groven Myhren), Ringdrotten

Då herr Bilbo Skrepping i Skreppenden sende ut bod om at han snart ville feire den ellevtiførste fødedagen sin med eit særs storfelt gjestebod, tala mange oppglødt om det i Hobbitun.

(When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End sent out word that he would soon celebrate his eleventy-first birthday with a particularly grand feast, many spoke excitedly about it in Hobbiton.)

Norwegian (Bokmål) (1980, Tr. Torstein Bugge Høverstad), Ringenes Herre

Da herr Bilbo Lommelun i Lommekroken erklærte at han om kort tid ville feire sin ellevtiførste fødelsdag med et særlig overdådig selskap, ble det mye oppspilt snakk i Hobbitun.

(When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would soon celebrate his eleventy-first birthday with a particularly lavish party, there was much excited talk in Hobbiton.)

Norwegian (Riksmål) (1973, Tr. Nils Werenskiold), Krigen om Ringen

[I do not own a copy of this translation.  From descriptions that I have read about this translation, the language might also be called Bokmål, but it contains much Riksmål vocabulary and grammar.  Some lists call it Riksmål, others call it Bokmål.]

Danish (1968, Tr. Ida Nyrop Ludvigsen), Ringenes Herre

Da hr. Bilbo Sækker fra Sækkedyb forkyndte, at han om kort tid agtede at fejre sin et hundrede og ellevte fødselsdag med en særlig storslået fest, blev der en snakken og ophidselse i Hobbitrup.

(When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would soon celebrate his one hundred and eleventh birthday with a particularly magnificent party, there was much talk and excitement in Hobbiton.)

Swedish (1959, Tr. Åke Ohlmarks), Hårskarringen / Sagan om Ringen

[Hårskarringen was the original title, although it did not occur on the covers of three-volume editions, only in the Foreword.  Sagan om Ringen was originally only the title of FR, but was later expanded to include the entire trilogy as well as still being the title of FR.]

När Hans nåd Bilbo Bagger till Baggershus tillkännagav, att han inom kort ämnade fira sin elftiförsta födelsedag med en fest av alldeles särskild storslagenhet, väckte detta mycket prat och stor uppståndelse i Hobsala by.

(When His Lordship Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would soon celebrate his eleventy-first birthday with a party of particularly grand magnificence, this caused much talk and great excitement in Hobbiton.)

Swedish (2004, Tr. Erik Andersson), Ringarnas Herre

När Bilbo Secker, herre till Säcks ände, tillkännagav att han inom kort ännade fira sin elftiförsta födelsedag med en särskilt storslagen fest, blev det stor uppståndelse i Hobbinge.

(When Bilbo Baggins, lord of Bag End, announced that he would soon celebrate his eleventy-first birthday with a particularly magnificent party, it caused a great uproar in Hobbiton.)