East Eurasian Text Examples

This page includes a number of non-Indo-European language families and language isolates (languages which are unrelated to any other language) from the eastern portion of the Eurasian continent (including the islands off its eastern coast).  They are grouped by families and labelled accordingly.  Headings that match the language name indicate language isolates.

While I am very familiar with the Cyrillic, Greek, and Hebrew scripts, I have much less familiarity with the other writing systems found on this page.  If you notice errors in my transcriptions, please send me an email and I'll fix them.


Korean (1988, Tr. Kang Yeong-un), 반지 이야기 (original title) [Banji Iyagi], 완역 반지제왕 (reprinted title) [Wanyeok Banjijewang]

[I do not own a copy of this translation]

Korean (1990, Tr. Kim Beon, Kim Bo-won, & Lee Mi-ae), 반지전쟁 (original title) [Banjijeonjaeng], 반지의 제왕 (reprinted title) [Banjieui Jewang]

